Rebellion Defense

Rebellion Defense develops advanced software to outpace national security threats.

33 Candidates Generated

5 Hires in 3 Months


Wayve is an innovative technology company that focuses on the development of autonomous vehicles.

Who are Rebellion Defense?

Building technology for defence and national security

Rebellion Defense’s mission is to help the US and its partners outpace tomorrow’s adversary. By bringing together private sector technologists with veterans and national security experts who deeply understand the mission

Pain points

The Challenge

In response to Rebellion Defense’s strategic expansion to London, the imperative was clear: swiftly assemble a team of five highly skilled senior software engineers, all possessing the requisite security clearance. The timeline for this was set at three months. Entrusted with this challenge, techruiter. undertook the task with precision and determination.

Scarce Talent Pool

A significant hurdle was identfying top talent in London, as Rebellion Defense did not yet have an established brand in the UK.

Security Clearance

techruiter. not only needed to assemble a team of five high skilled senior software engineers, they also needed to possess the requisite security clearance.


Rebellion Defense wanted to replicate the collaborative and cohesive atmosphere of their US workplace.


Rebellion Defense required a team to be assembled within three months, meaning techruiter. had to work round the clock to find five skilled candidates.

Tauseef excelled in the recruitment process, introducing me to an impressive startup. He provided all necessary information, support, and even answered relocation questions. Highly recommended!

Tauseef excelled in the recruitment process, introducing me to an impressive startup. He provided all necessary information, support, and even answered relocation questions. Highly recommended!

Alice Karnsund

Machine Learning Engineer @ Wayve

See more recommendations
What we did

The Solution

The solution to the challenges of Rebellion Defense’s expansion into London, techruiter. executed a strategy which mapped out the market of exceptional engineers, specifically targeting talents with backgrounds in internet giants and high-scale tech enterprises. Each candidate underwent a thorough cross-referencing process to ensure alignment with stringent security clearance requirements.

The introduced pool included specialists in machine learning, software engineering, robotics, and other related disciplines, effectively addressing Wayve's hiring needs.Moreover, Techruiter ensured a robust diversity ratio of 40% among the sourced candidates.

This initiative promoted inclusion and broader perspectives in the hiring process, aligning with Wayve's commitment to diversity and innovation.Their bi-weekly sprints proved to be an efficient approach to manage this complex recruitment process. By tracking key performance indicators such as candidate acceptance rate, interview success rate, and time to fill, Techruiter was able to maintain a high degree of efficiency and effectiveness throughout the hiring campaign.

The  extensive market approach yielded a curated team of top-tier engineers, meticulously selected to join Rebellion Defense’s London expansion.

Part of the solution was building marketing collateral that would engage the London based tech audience with the brand Rebellion Defense. This was imperative for helping convince candidates to join the expansion.

The Result

The Hires

33 candidates were generated and 5 hires were made in the three month deadline. 

Each candidate was carefully chosen to embody the precise amalgamation of skills, experience, and cultural alignment that Rebellion Defense required.

The impact

The Impact

Through the three month- period, our team successfully sourced and introduced 33 highly skilled candidates to Rebellion Defense.

The talent pool presented to Rebellion Defense showcased expertise spanning distributed computing, Java, NLP and machine learning. 


The Impact

The newly hired employees quickly adapted to Wayve's dynamic work environment and started making significant contributions. The Engineering Manager effectively streamlined operations within the engineering team, improving overall productivity. The Senior Software Engineer and the Machine Learning Engineer applied their unique expertise, driving critical advancements in the company's autonomous vehicle technology.

The impact

Efficiency and Effectiveness

Out of the 33 candidates generated, our selection process resulted in the successful onboarding of five individuals. The team at techruiter. managed to source one that was previously security cleared, one that was currently security cleared and one which had a valid DBS.


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